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Black Orchid Page 9

  She gasped as he suddenly tweaked her hardening nipples, pinching them almost painfully before turning his attention to the wet curls between her legs. All rational thought fled as he meticulously soaped each tender fold of flesh, lingering almost lovingly on her burgeoning clitoris. Her legs felt weightless as she leaned against him and gave herself up to the sensation of his soapy wet fingers against her slippery flesh leaves.

  Working up a richer lather, Alexander began to soap the twin orifices of her vagina and anus, pushing the suds deep inside her so that she felt stuffed with delicate, air filled bubbles.


  She groaned as he reached for the showerhead and directed the spray between her legs. The water cascaded over the eager nub before he redirected it upwards. Maggie's knees buckled as she felt the surge of warm water bubble up inside her and pour out again down the insides of her thighs.

  Alexander thwarted her attempts to touch herself, pulling her arms behind her back by the elbows and growling, close to her ear, 'Oh no you don't. Come with me.'

  He turned off the water and wrapped a thick, white towel round his waist. Maggie took the identical towel he offered her and wound it sarong style, under her arms. Wordlessly, she followed him as he padded through the shower area and headed for double pine doors at the far end of the changing rooms. As he opened them, thick, hot steam billowed out, enveloping them in its heavy, fragrant heat.

  Once inside the sauna, Alexander bolted the doors behind them. Maggie felt a curious sensation curl in the pit of her stomach as he turned towards her.

  'Sit,' he ordered tersely.

  It was against Maggie's nature to obey such an imperiously issued command, but she did it none the less, bruising the backs of her knees against the edge of the slatted pine seat as she stumbled against it. She watched Alexander warily as he paced the small, square room, his expression masked by steam.

  Her eyes widened in alarm as he suddenly opened a cupboard and took something out. He handed the object to her, watching her closely as she examined it. It was a small switch, the wooden handle about six inches long from which a handful of what looked like horsehair dangled in long, spindly strands.

  'Have you ever used one of these, Maggie?' Alexander asked coldly.

  She shook her head, unable to take her eyes off the sinister looking object in her hands..

  'In a proper sauna, you would use one of these to beat yourself. It's supposed to increase the circulation.'

  He took it from her and examined it minutely, running the tip of his forefinger along the handle and dangling the ends of the horsehair against his palm.

  'It's a clever little device, made to redden the skin, not to break it. Yet it packs quite a punch. Hold out your hand and I'll show you.'

  Reluctantly, Maggie offered him her hand, palm upward. Alexander smiled slightly, then he flicked the switch across Maggie's palm. He watched her face intently as she snatched it back and curled her fingers over the stinging weal. The sudden pain had taken her breath away and she looked up at Alexander through eyes welling with tears.

  'That hurt!' she protested croakily.

  'Good. I have to teach you a lesson, Maggie darling. A lesson about trespassing where you have no business and touching a man without an invitation.'

  He watched as she absorbed his words and the incredulity and horror crossed her face.

  'What . . .? You wouldn't dare!'

  Maggie flinched away as Alexander advanced on her, cowering against the warm wall of the sauna as he dropped down on his haunches in front of her. She felt unsure of herself, frightened even, and she did not like the feeling one bit.

  'Wouldn't I?' he whispered huskily. 'Aren't you just a little bit curious, Maggie?'

  She shook her head even while the invidious thought formed itself in her head that, yes, she would like to know how it would feel to entrust herself completely to this hypnotically powerful stranger.

  He laughed, suddenly and kissed her. It was a kiss of such sweet tenderness that Maggie relaxed, all the tension flowing out of her as he tasted the sweet honey of her lips. She was barely aware that he was gradually compelling her to sink to her knees onto the hard, damp floor before him. She jumped as she felt the scratchy stroke of the switch across the backs of her thighs.

  'Trust me, Maggie. Take your punishment well and you'll earn a reward.'

  His voice was like silk, easing over her trembling limbs as he coaxed her onto her hands and knees in front of him and slowly peeled away her towel. She felt exposed, horribly vulnerable as her breasts hung heavily downwards. She could feel Alexander's eyes on them even before he reached down and squeezed them in his large hands.

  'Beautiful,' he murmured, 'like two great udders just waiting to be milked.'

  He swung them slightly as he released them and Maggie watched them move ponderously from side to side, unable to tear her eyes away. A wave of shame, the like of which she had never before experienced, washed over her as Alexander slapped them sharply on the underside and her nipples hardened visibly in response.

  'You see – I knew you'd like it,' he whispered, close to her ear.

  He slapped her breasts again and she moaned softly.

  'No!' She jumped as he suddenly grabbed her chin and brought her face up to his. 'I haven't given you permission to enjoy this, bitch! If I find any hint of wetness between your rampant thighs you'll regret it – do you understand?'

  Maggie nodded, tears welling in her eyes as she realised that she was already moist, she was becoming aroused by the control Alexander was exerting over her despite her shame and fear.

  'Crawl across the room and show me you're dry,' he barked.

  Maggie began slowly, concentrating on putting one hand, one knee before the other for fear of falling flat on her face.

  'Arse high!'

  Her arms and legs were shaking so much she was afraid they wouldn't be able to hold her weight as she pushed her bottom out and up, sure that the gathering fluid between her legs would be plain to his suspicious eyes. Her breasts and knees scraped the wooden floor and she was grateful when she reached the other side of the room.

  'I might have known!' His voice was hard, mocking her as he reached down and dipped his finger between her legs, then held it up in front of her heated face so that she see the evidence of her own arousal glistening on it.

  She resisted as he pressed it against her lips, giving in with a groan of defeat as he pushed past her teeth and forced her to lick her own love juice from his finger.

  'You know what this means, don't you?' he said silkily. 'You want me to punish you, don't you? Say it.'


  'Yes. You've been a bad, bad girl, Maggie, you know that, don't you? You deserve to be whipped for your lewd behaviour.'

  'No! Yes! Oh . . .!'

  Maggie cried out as the first stroke of the switch came down on her raised buttocks, swiftly followed by another beside it. Alexander waited for her to catch her breath before delivering a third blow, careful, it seemed to avoid the spot where it landed before.

  After only a dozen or so strokes, Maggie's bottom felt as if it was on fire. She was aware of every square inch of her skin and hot tears ran swiftly down her face, plopping into a pool on the floor in front of her. The heat of the sauna clogged her nose and throat, making it hard to breathe and her sex burned in sympathy with her bottom.

  'No, please! No more!' she sobbed.

  Miraculously, Alexander paused. She felt the gentle touch of his lips against her inflamed skin, soothing her. The burning sensation mellowed into a warm glow as he caressed her flaming cheeks with one hand, smoothing her hair with another.

  Maggie had a sudden, irresistibly strong urge to touch herself, to release the pent up tension which had been building in her straining clitoris.

  'That's right,' Alexander crooned, helping her into a more comfortable position, 'touch yourself, baby, let me see you come.'

  Maggie closed her eyes against him, concentrating instead o
n the building pressure deep inside her. Leaning against the bench which ran around the room, she opened her legs wide and rubbed her hot fingers around the slick, soft flesh of her vulva. Her clitoris had slipped its hood and quivered eagerly towards the familiar touch of her fingers.

  Circling her middle finger around it once, twice, three times, Maggie felt the beginnings of an orgasm start at her core.

  'Open your eyes,' Alexander commanded and she obeyed instantly, holding his intense blue gaze as the waves began to radiate out from her clitoris and she tapped it hard with her forefinger with an increasingly frantic rhythm.

  'That's right, baby, make it come, let it go . . . push.'

  'Ah! I'm coming! I'm coming!' she yelled, half in triumph, half in anguish as her climax pulsed through her, more intense then she could ever remember, before she collapsed forward into Alexander's waiting arms.

  'Ssh,' he crooned, stroking her hair as she calmed down, 'it's all right. You were terrific, Maggie. Just as I knew you would be.'

  He licked at the corners of her eyes, tasting the salt of her tears before lifting her up and carrying her out of the sauna.

  Antony was ploughing his way through a pile of paperwork when Alexander burst into the room. He took one look at the younger man's flushed, intent face and knew what he wanted. In spite of himself, he felt an answering need stir in his groin.

  'You're looking a bit flushed, Alex. Something wrong?'

  Alexander ignored him, merely unzipping his trousers and releasing an enormous erection.

  'Shut up, Antony, and suck me,' he snapped.

  Antony considered telling him to suck himself but already a film of lust was obscuring his reason and he obligingly sank to his knees. His jaw ached, the back of his throat closing up in protest as Alexander mercilessly thrust into his mouth. He was relieved when at last the thick, milky fluid flowed and lubricated his throat.

  Afterwards, Alexander zipped his trousers without a word and disappeared into the kitchen, leaving Antony feeling piqued. Ungrateful little sod, using him like that! His own arousal gradually ebbed away leaving a dull, gnawing ache in his balls. He slumped on the sofa and fumed.

  'Here – I've made you coffee.'

  'Big bloody deal,' Antony growled as he took the mug from him.

  He stiffened as Alex sat down beside him and slung a sympathetic arm round his shoulder.

  'Don't sulk, Tony – I'll make it up to you.'


  'OK, you sulk and I won't tell you who I've just reduced to putty in my hands.'

  Antony was instantly interested, quarrel forgotten.


  'That's right. Well? That's what you wanted, wasn't it?'

  Antony grinned.

  'How did she take it?'

  Alexander made a rocking motion with one hand, palm down.

  'Tricky to start with, but I didn't hear any complaints when I saw her to her car. Janine's been pestering me to set something up between her and Maggie, but apparently Maggie's not been too keen. I think if I was there though . . . maybe I could even get it on film.'

  'Terrific. How soon can we put our proposition to her?'

  'Wait until after this gig with Janine and see how she reacts to that. I shouldn't mention it yet though – she's probably feeling a bit bewildered right now.'

  Maggie was feeling more than bewildered, she was devastated by what she had allowed Alexander to do to her. Every fibre of her rational being told her she had sold out. Yet the memory of his lovingly mocking voice and the feel of his hands, alternately punishing and soothing, told her that she would gladly repeat the exercise.

  Lying wakeful in her lonely bed, she relived the experience moment by moment, analysing her reactions, marvelling at how expertly he had manipulated her. And all without any gain in terms of pleasure to himself. But the most curious thing of all was that, while she had, at times, felt real fear, she had also, paradoxically, felt incredibly safe with him. As if she trusted him to protect her from the very punishment he was meting out. It was all very confusing.

  The following morning she was woken by the ring of the doorbell. Ambling drowsily to see who it was, she was surprised to find a huge bunch of red roses waiting for her. After she had signed for them and closed the door on the messenger, she opened the accompanying card. Her heart seemed to skip a beat as she read, Until the next time – love, Alexander.

  The next time! Maggie was torn between wanting to crush the roses to her breast and throwing them, still in the cellophane, into the bin. They were too beautiful to throw away, so she arranged them between two vases which she placed in opposite corners of the living room.

  She was disappointed to find that they were hothouse roses, completely without scent. Like sex without love, she thought suddenly, yet no less beautiful because they weren't perfumed. Again, like sex without love, she smiled ruefully. What the hell, she had joined the Black Orchid Club with a view to expanding her sexual horizons, surely she wasn't going to allow her first experience of a little mild S & M put her off?

  Janine was back at work now and Maggie more than ever got the impression that the girl was hiding something. Yet she seemed to be actively avoiding Maggie, as if she had taken the hint after all and had decided that to pursue her would be a waste of time.

  A week to the day after the incident with Alexander, a parcel arrived at the office addressed to Maggie. She sensed Bob's curious eyes on her as she laid it on her desk and was unsurprised when Janine appeared in the doorway.

  'Presents at the office? Who's the new admirer, Maggie?'

  Maggie muttered something non-committal and waited until she was alone before opening the box. For some reason her fingers trembled as she broke the seal and lifted the lid. The contents were shrouded in fine tissue paper on top of which was a square white card inscribed with Alexander's bold script.

  'Wear this for me,' she read, 'Tomorrow evening – and I'll promise you a night to remember!' Underneath he had written 'PTO' so she flipped the card over. On the back he had written, in capital letters, 'TRUST ME?'

  Not on your life! she thought wryly. Very slowly, she peeled back the tissue paper. She gasped as the contents were revealed. What she had expected she wasn't sure – lacy undies, maybe even a dress, but not this!

  Gingerly, she fingered the black latex material before pulling it out to see what it was. A body suit, soft and supple in finely seamed rubber, lined with red silk. There were studs positioned around the breasts and crotch and as she examined it more closely she realized that these could be snapped apart to release the flaps which were fastened over those areas.

  Maggie stifled the urge to giggle. Surely he didn't seriously expect her to wear this thing? Out of the corner of her eye she noticed Bob craning his neck to get a look at what she was holding and she stuffed the ludicrous garment back into its box and shoved it under her desk, out of sight, though she was exquisitely conscious of its presence for the rest of the day.

  The following day was a Saturday and Maggie allowed herself the luxury of sleeping until nine. After shopping and dealing with the routine chores around the house she cooked herself a light lunch and prepared to catch up on some paperwork. The white box with the kinky underwear inside it was pushed firmly to the back of her wardrobe, but her mind kept skittering back to it at the most unexpected moments.

  It wouldn't hurt to try it on in the privacy of her own bedroom, just for a laugh, to see how she looked. Then she could go to the club tonight and return it to Alexander, telling him that it simply wasn't her scene.

  She thought about it while she wallowed in a decadently hot, scented bath, her wet hair piled high on her head, covered by a shower cap. The water caressed her skin as she moved gently under it, enjoying the sensation. She was still thinking about it as she dried her hair and dressed it in a high top-knot in a style far more elaborate than she normally wore.

  Carefully smoothing base make-up and a dusting of powder over her face, she selected a dark, smoky-
grey shadow for her eyes and startlingly red lipstick and nail polish. The lipstick made her lips look more full, ripe. It wasn't until her meticulously painted finger and toe nails were dry and she had pulled on sheer black silk hold-ups that Maggie took the box out of the wardrobe.

  In the harsh electric light, the latex rubber looked shiny, wet. She rubbed her hands over it and found she liked the feel of it, holding it to her face to better absorb the distinctive smell. It was difficult to put on and she had to wriggle into it, easing it up over her hips and breasts until she could slip her arms through the straps and position them on her slender shoulders.

  The silk-lined rubber felt warm against her bare, perfumed skin and she found, to her surprise, that she liked the feeling of constriction. The bodice held her in tightly, like a corset. Maggie turned slowly toward the full-length mirror in the corner of the room and gasped at what she saw.

  She hardly recognised herself. The bodice had nipped in her waist to an impossible degree, pushing her breasts up and together so that they spilled seductively over the top of the garment like two ripe melons. Her long legs were shown to advantage by the high-cut legs, her pale skin vulnerable against the uncompromising black of the rubber.

  This was a garment which was meant to be worn purely for sex and, encased in it, she looked as if she was made for it too. Hardly taking her eyes off the mirror, Maggie slipped into high-heeled black leather mules which lengthened her legs still further.

  It seemed a shame to cover herself with a conventional dress, but she could hardly drive to the club looking like this. The black lycra tube she pulled over it was hardly more decent but at least she no longer looked like a walking sex toy. She smiled as she anticipated the look on Alexander's face when he saw she was wearing his present. Surely he would reward her with the use of his delectable body in the face of such devotion?

  The drive to the club took on the guise of an erotic journey as the rubber pulled against Maggie's skin with the slightest movement. Changing gear became something to look forward to and by the time she drew into the car-park, the silk gusset was already damp against her sex and Maggie was primed ready for action.