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Black Orchid Page 10

  As she stepped into the bar, Antony came over to greet her. His eyes slid along the length of her body and Maggie wondered if he knew what she was wearing underneath. The idea gave her an erotic charge and she smiled confidently at him.

  Alexander is expecting you,' he told her, 'this way.'

  He took her by the elbow and steered her toward the Exhibition Room. Maggie felt a frisson of apprehension as they headed, not for a discreet cubicle as she had expected, but toward the main doors, into the room itself.

  The bed in the centre was canopied and covered in fine white lace. Alexander stood to one side, beside a tripod onto which he was fixing a movie camera. Maggie barely registered his presence for, as the door closed behind her and Antony, she saw a movement in the shadows and a woman stepped into the light.

  She was wearing a similar bodice to the one Maggie had on, only she had completed the ensemble with black, thigh-high boots, fishnet stockings and a storm trooper's leather cap, the peak pulled down low on her forehead. Her eyes were hidden by a small, black leather mask. In one hand, she held a long, evil-looking black leather whip which she tapped impatiently against her thigh.

  Maggie's eyes skittered nervously around the room to the mirrors which reflected the scene a dozen times around her and wondered how many eyes were watching. Antony squeezed her elbow and gave her a little push toward the bed. The woman spoke and Maggie's blood ran cold as she recognised the voice.

  'Don't worry, Maggie, darling, I'm not going to hurt you – much.'

  Maggie's lips moved numbly.

  'Janine . . .!'


  Maggie's first thought was to turn tail and run. At a signal from Alexander, both Janine and Antony melted into the shadows and Alexander stepped forward and took her by the hand.

  'Don't look so worried,' he whispered, putting his arm around her and leading her into the soft spotlight.

  Maggie blinked as she stepped into the diffused glare. She could no longer see beyond the reach of the lights, it was as if she and Alexander were alone in the room with only the lace covered bed before them. Allowing herself to be coaxed down onto it, she pressed herself against Alexander's lean muscled body as he began to kiss her, slowly at first, then more hungrily as she responded.

  He was wearing a peach-skin soft, silk shirt in sky blue tucked loosely into black denim 501's. Maggie could feel the heat of him through it as she held onto his shoulders and she delighted in the soft rub of silk against his glossy skin. She wanted the kiss to go on forever, it turned her legs to water and washed away all the doubts invading her mind.

  No one had ever kissed her like Alexander did. With her eyes closed, she clung to him as if she were drowning and he were a life raft. At that moment she knew, with extraordinary clarity, that she would do anything for this man, anything at all he might ask of her.

  'Do you trust me?' he murmured, his words tickling over her swollen lips.

  Maggie could not make her mouth work, her lips felt heavy, bruised. It was all she could do to nod her head.

  'You see the camera?'

  She nodded again without opening her eyes.

  'Do you know what that is for, Maggie? It's so that you can see how beautiful you really are. So that you won't forget that you are mine to command. Do you understand? Look at me, Maggie.'

  She opened her eyes with difficulty and saw that his brilliant blue eyes were boring into hers. Gazing at him was dizzying, hypnotic and she nodded again, dazed. His smile warmed her and the last vestiges of fear fell away.

  Feeling a hand at her neck, she turned to find Antony on the bed behind her. Now here was a body she knew well and she welcomed the tender kiss he placed on her soft lips.

  Antony wrapped his arms around Maggie and pulled her closer to him. He could taste Alexander on her lips and his shaft responded to the well loved stimulus, leaping with delight in his loose grey chinos.

  Someone turned on the sound system and the haunting throaty voice of a faceless jazz/blues singer curled around them. He felt Maggie relax against him as he lay her down on the bed. Running his hand over her body, he could feel the lycra move over her bare skin, in erotic counterpoint to the latex rubber encasing her beneath.

  Antony felt Maggie tremble as he eased the tight skirt up over her hips. The strip of soft skin at the tops of her thighs looked very white against the black of nylon and rubber which bordered it. He ran the fingers of one hand round the edge of her stocking top, bringing the skin up in little goosebumps.

  Covering her pubic mound with one large hand, he squeezed gently, imagining the hot, pulsating wetness encased within the supple, soft rubber. A spasm passed across Maggie's face as he continued to squeeze rhythmically, his fingers inching their way into the cleft of her bottom.

  He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to see Janine's impatient face pressed close to his. He nodded, removing his hand reluctantly and taking the black silk scarf she offered him. Maggie started as he tied it tightly round her eyes and he gentled her with his lips as she began to murmur in protest. As he kissed her, drawing her tongue voluptuously into his mouth, he felt her resistance slowly ebbing away.

  She raised her arms and bottom obligingly as he removed her dress and he planted a soft kiss at the corner of her mouth. Drawing back to run his gaze over the length of her body, he narrowed his eyes appreciatively. She presented a delectable sight, her long, black-clad legs pressed tightly together, her white arms still raised above her tense face. He obeyed an impulse to kiss the tender hollow of her smooth armpit and she shivered convulsively.

  Antony reminded himself with difficulty that his role was to prepare her for Janine, waiting impatiently in the shadows. Slowly, he began to roll down her stockings, first one leg, then the other, until she lay, naked, but for the black latex bodice which clung lovingly to her womanly form.

  The rubber gleamed dully under the diffused spotlight, her restrained breasts swelling, creamy white, spilling over the top. Antony reached forward and ran the tip of his forefinger along the edge of the join of the flap over one breast. Removing it completely, he pressed the top of her breast so that the swell was forced downward, through the peephole.

  Her aureole glowed a dark pinkish brown, the nipple standing proud, poking obscenely through. Antony tweaked it, rolling it between his thumb and forefinger and tugging gently until it grew longer and harder. After repeating the process with the other side, he turned his attention to the studs around her crotch.

  Until now, Maggie had lain quietly, only moaning softly when he handled her breasts. As she felt his fingers snapping open each stud, one by one, she whispered.

  'Oh no! Please . . . please . . . take away the blindfold.'

  'Ssh. It's OK. Feel, Maggie, just feel. You don't need to see.'

  The dark, thick curls of her mons tickled his fingers as he eased the silk lined rubber gusset away from between her thighs. He sighed, breathing in the hot, honeyed scent of her. As he had expected, she was wet, dripping with anticipation. It was all he could do to stop himself from pressing his face against that warm, moist centre of pleasure.

  Janine handed him more scarves. She was impatient to begin, her lust making her tremble as she waited for him to continue. Antony ran the palm of his hand soothingly along the inside of Maggie's arm until he grasped her wrist. Her hand curled into a fist as he bound her to the corner of the bedhead.

  Once her arms had been secured, he repeated the procedure with her ankles, tying them to the endposts. He stood back to admire his handiwork. She lay, spread-eagled and helpless, on the white lacy covers like a sacrificial offering. Her nipples and vulva were exposed, vulnerable, her soft mouth slightly open, the full bottom lip trembling visibly as she waited for something to happen.

  Reluctantly, Antony stepped back and let Janine take over.

  Janine gazed down on the helpless woman on the bed and felt a rush of adrenalin. She had dreamed of this; Maggie, tied and blindfolded, completely in her hands. Maggie, whose treacherou
s mouth had denied the attraction that her body demonstrated all too well.

  She swooped on the quivering lips, fastening her mouth over Maggie's as she squirmed in protest. Her mouth tasted sweet, hot, and Janine closed her eyes for a moment to savour it before drawing back.

  Although she could not see them in the darkness, she knew that each of the two way mirrors concealed a watcher and she smiled slowly, playing to the audience. Making a show of sucking her forefinger, she leaned across Maggie and circled it around one tumescent nipple. The skin of Maggie's breast shrunk away from her touch and she increased the pressure.

  'No, you don't, my darling,' she crooned, 'don't be coy. Everyone knows you like it. This gives you away!'

  She passed her finger along the crease of Maggie's exposed vulva, dipping it into the welling moisture within. She smiled as Maggie groaned and she sensed her shame.

  Bending down, she drew a black bag from under the bed and selected a switch from inside. It was tiny, no more than six inches long with thin, feathery strands which kissed the skin as she trailed it slowly across Maggie's breasts.

  Maggie gasped as Janine suddenly struck a light blow on the underside of one nipple, swiftly followed by a blow to its twin. Janine waited until the constrained mounds stopped quivering before she recommenced the punishment, whipping the straining nubs until they glowed, bright red and hard.

  She saw with satisfaction that Maggie's mouth was twisted out of shape with the effort of keeping in her cries, her lips wet and slack as she took great, gasping gulps of air through her mouth. She bent to take one tortured nipple into her mouth.

  It was hot as she lathed it with her tongue, bathing it in saliva and sucking it hungrily. Maggie groaned as Janine transferred her attention to the other nipple, grazing it with her teeth and tugging, none too gently.

  Alexander removed the camera from its stand and drew closer, focusing on the action of Janine's tongue. Playing to the camera, she took the nipple between her teeth and pulled, stretching it to the point of tension when Maggie could no longer hold back a cry of pain. Then she let it go, watching through hooded eyes as it sprang back into shape, the flesh shivering as it did so.

  Alexander withdrew as Janine walked to the head of the bed and cradled Maggie's head in her palms, massaging her temples with her thumbs.

  'Does that feel good? I'm going to make you feel good, Maggie, I'm going to show all those people watching us how much you enjoy making it with another woman.'

  'No . . .!'

  'Oh yes! And you will enjoy it, darling. I promise.'

  She returned to the bag beside the bed and selected a long, springy switch with a tiny, rubber paddle attached to the end. Tapping it against Maggie's cheek, she let her feel the series of rapid blows caused by one flick of the wrist. She watched the confusion pass across Maggie's face and smiled.

  It was easy to imagine how the other woman was feeling – bound and blindfolded with no way of knowing what was about to be done to her. Janine could almost taste her fear and the flavour of it fed her already raging desire.

  Climbing up onto the bed, she straddled Maggie, taking her weight on her knees either side of her waist, keeping her back to her. She paused for a moment to savour the sight before her. The muscles in the tethered legs were held taut with anticipation, the exposed vulva a shocking slash of colour against the black latex.

  The hairy outer labia were pulled back, concealed by the constricting black rubber, leaving the vulnerable inner lips exposed. Maggie's unwilling arousal was evident from the sheen of moisture clinging to the tender pink skin and the way in which the swelling clitoris had already slipped its hood. It stood proud, the hard nub inviting attention.

  Janine ran her middle finger delicately along the edge of the lips in a light, tickling caress before bringing it up to slowly pleasure the willing bud. Maggie's breathing quickened and moisture began to seep out of her, making her juicy cavity pout invitingly.

  Glancing up to make sure that Alexander was still filming, Janine waited until the muscles in Maggie's thighs began to tense as she reached the brink. Picking up the little rubber paddle, she tapped it sharply against the hard bud.

  Maggie was unable to hold back the cry of pain as the exquisite, tiny blows rained down on her straining nub. She writhed on the bed, desperately trying to escape the merciless instrument of torture and Janine's cruel fingers which were holding her open. Janine slipped the first and second fingers of one hand around the throbbing clitoris and squeezed it so that it stood high, unable to escape the punishing, light blows.

  Faster and faster the paddle came down on that tenderest of places until Maggie cried out in a sound that was part ecstasy, part denial. Janine swooped and took the pulsing bud between her teeth, suckling it as it throbbed and twitched and at last was still.

  Janine climbed off the bed and stood, watching impassively as Maggie regained control.

  'Well, my sweet, you do love it, don't you? Let's see what else we have to entertain us.'

  She reached into the bag and withdrew a large, hard dildo. Antony gasped in the shadows and Janine smiled. He had a good memory! Leaning over Maggie, she stroked the cold instrument down the side of her face, laughing as Maggie shrank away from it.

  'Oh, it gets better!' she whispered.

  Turning on the power, she held it as it purred gently down Maggie's face.

  'No! Oh please, no!'

  Janine turned it off.

  'Oh yes! But you have to earn it, sweet Maggie.'

  Removing her own briefs, Janine kicked them aside and climbed back onto the bed. Resuming her position, she straddled Maggie once again, this time lowering her own moist softness over Maggie's face. At first the unwilling lips forced against her open vulva remained protestingly still. Then, as if deciding that she had no choice, her tongue tentatively pushed through her clenched teeth and she began to lick gingerly.

  Janine arched her back and closed her eyes. Her fingers found Maggie's tender sex and rubbed slowly up and down until, gradually, lips and fingers were in unison. Once she had started, Maggie seemed to know instinctively what to do, lapping at Janine with a vigour which almost approached enthusiasm.

  She learned fast. When Janine dipped her fingers into Maggie's hot honeyed vagina, Maggie's tongue mimicked the action; when Janine rubbed her hard clitoris slowly, Maggie's tongue swiftly followed. By moving her own fingers, she could direct the novice beneath her into an orchestrated symphony of lovemaking. It was almost like making love to herself, only this was better than masturbation any day!

  A fine sheen of sweat began to film her body as Janine felt the first flush of impending orgasm approach. Oblivious now to the audience and the camera, Janine concentrated only on her own pleasure, rotating her hips on Maggie's flicking tongue whilst rolling her tender clitoris between her fingers.

  As the first wave of her climax washed over her, Janine reached for the dildo and flicked the 'on' switch. Spreading Maggie's pubic lips wide with the fingers of one hand, she held the vibrator at the gate of her sex. Slowly, she eased the buzzing machine into her body, working it in up to the hilt as her own orgasm overcame her and she collapsed exhausted, across the bed.

  Maggie did not try to stem the tears of humiliation which ran in hot rivulets down her cheeks as she was led by a chain, naked but for the high-heeled mules and the studded leather collar round her neck. When the vibrator had been pulled from her convulsing body and the scarves removed, she had found herself alone with Alexander. There was no sign of either Janine or Antony in the now darkened room and the camera had been pulled away out of sight.

  Alexander was silent as he helped her out of the tight rubber bodice, though his eyes looked unnaturally bright, as if he had a fever, and he fastened the collar around her neck attaching the chain.

  Now they were going through the lounge bar. Maggie kept her eyes on the carpet and concentrated on putting one foot before the other as the hubbub of conversation ceased. Her cheeks burned with shame as eve
ryone began to clap and she realised that a great many of those present had probably witnessed her humiliation.

  She let out her pent up breath with a sigh of relief as they reached the sanctuary of the private lift. Alexander did not look at her as they travelled upward and she remained meekly silent. She could still taste Janine's feminine musk on her lips and tongue and a blush covered her naked skin as she recalled how she had enjoyed pleasuring her. Even the pain the other girl had inflicted on her had been sweet in the end. Her vulva ached as she moved forward, responding to Alexander's light tug on the chain when the lift door opened.

  Antony and Janine were waiting for them in the lounge. Janine had obviously just stepped out of the shower. She had changed into a white, silky kimono, her pale blonde hair damp across her shoulders. She smiled slightly at Maggie as she caught her eye, and Maggie dropped her gaze, heat searing her skin.

  Alexander led her over to the white leather sofa and made her sit, not on the soft cushions, but on the sheepskin rug in front of it. He looped the chain around the legs of the glass-topped coffee table, tethering her like a dog.

  The doors to the cabinet housing the huge, flat screened television had been rolled back. A bottle of dry white wine stood uncorked, three glasses by its side. The apartment was warm, softly lit by several lamps placed strategically round the room.

  Alexander poured the wine and, ignoring Maggie, handed Antony and Janine a glass. They sat together on the sofa, Janine between the two men. Alexander's black denim clad leg was lightly touching Maggie's bare shoulder. Without a word passing between them, Antony picked up the remote control and the TV screen flickered.

  Maggie gasped as she was confronted by her own bound and blindfolded image. She felt curiously detached, removed somehow from the anonymous, sex-soaked figure which writhed uncontrollably on the lace-covered bed.