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Black Orchid Page 7

  Maggie wondered why she didn't feel nervous. Paying for his time made her feel strong, powerful. I wonder if this is why some men use prostitutes? she thought. The person who's paying is the person who calls the shots?

  Electric Blue glanced at her quizzically.

  'I'll just go take a shower.'


  She stopped him with one well manicured hand on his hot bicep. He needed a shower, she realised, wrinkling her nose slightly as the strong smell of drying male sweat assaulted her nostrils.

  'I want you now. Like this.'

  She felt a thrill of power rush through her as he turned obediently, without protest and unzipped his jeans. Glancing quickly around the spartanly furnished, eight by ten foot, windowless room, Maggie saw the couch by the back wall and went over to sit down on it. He waited until she had settled onto the hard, mean cushions and nodded slightly at him to continue.

  He no longer looked glamorous, stripping off his clothes under harsh electric light on a cold linoleum floor. His surroundings, though, did nothing to diminish his beauty. Maggie felt the moisture seeping through her dress as his enormous penis, shackled as it was to his nipples, came into view. He was hard, the state of his arousal belying his cool, sardonic air.

  'Untie your hair,' she whispered hoarsely.

  She watched as the magnificent black tresses cut a swathe across his shoulders. She rose slowly to her feet and stood before him.

  Undress me.'

  Maggie stood, absolutely still as he undid the buttons of her blouse and pushed it off her shoulders. He held her eyes with his as he reached down and eased the waistband of her skirt over her thighs, letting it pool in a gossamer heap around her feet. Something in the depths of his vibrant blue eyes told her that he only pretended to be submissive, that he would only be so while it amused him. After which, he wouldn't give a toss who was paying whom. She shivered.

  Expertly unclipping the hooks and eyes of the tight red basque, he threw it away and watched as her breasts sprang free. Glancing down at herself, Maggie saw that her small, dark nipples had already swollen in anticipation of his touch. She was naked now apart from her lacy top hold-ups and shoes, her knickers having been removed by Judd some time before.

  She toyed with the idea of keeping these on. But no, this was for her benefit, not his and she wanted to be naked. Gently, but insistently, she entwined her fingers in his nipple chain and coaxed him downwards.

  'And the stockings,' she whispered.

  He sank obligingly to his knees and rolled them down slowly, one by one. His warm breath played over her pubic mound, fanning the throbbing ache which was growing there minute by minute. Maggie looked down at his dark head, bent in a kind of supplication before her and felt a thrill of power.

  Shifting her weight slightly, she brought her legs apart and presented her gleaming valley to his proud face. She did not need to tell him what she wanted. His long tongue snaked out and ran delicately along the needy cleft, circling her erect clitoris before plunging into the hot, wet cavern below.

  There was something deliciously lewd that his first kiss was to this, most intimate of places. To not have shared a face to face kiss, or even the most impersonal caress made this act shocking to her, deliciously dangerous.

  Maggie arched her back and thrust her pelvis towards him, resting her knees on his strong shoulders. Tangling her fingers in his hair, she held his face closer to her, unable to stop herself from grinding her clitoris against his thrusting tongue as he flicked it back and forth agonisingly slowly, making the sensations build, layer upon layer until the heat began to suffuse her and she knew that, if she allowed it, her orgasm would burst from her before she had time to catch her breath.

  In the back of her mind, she wanted to call a halt, to remain in control until the very last moment. With a tremendous act of will, she sank down onto her knees so that they were on a level, leaning heavily against him as her legs began to tremble. She remained still, eyes closed in concentration as she continued to teeter on the brink of orgasm.

  As, at last, the feeling drained slowly away, she allowed him to lay her down on the hard linoleum. She went limp as he sucked at her breasts, laving each nipple in turn with his rasping tongue. His long hair lay across her chest like a warm, ticklish blanket and the clean, fragrant smell of it tantalised her.

  Strength restored, she pushed him onto his back and gazed down at him.

  'Lie still,' she commanded, her confidence growing.

  She wanted to examine all of him, run her questing fingers over every square inch of his strong, healthy body. First, she picked up his left wrist and placed it above his head. He allowed her to manipulate him, lying quiet and compliant, his eyes ever watchful. She brought the other arm up over his head and ran her fingers along the inside of it from his wrist to his armpit.

  His glorious hair splayed out around his head and Maggie gave in to the urge to stroke it. It felt as soft and thick as she had imagined it would, like a skein of silken rope. Rope. Picking up a tress, she smoothed it upward to see if it was long enough to reach his wrists. It was several inches longer than it needed to be and she smiled wickedly.

  She watched his face as she gathered up his hair and wound sections of it round her fingers until they resembled cord. Then she wrapped it loosely round his wrists, tying them together above his head. If he wanted to, he could easily extricate himself, but he made no move to do so.

  Maggie sat up to admire her handiwork. He presented one of the most erotic sights she had ever seen. His helplessness curiously did not undermine his masculinity. His was a strength confined by softness, hard muscle constrained by soft hair.

  Maggie ran her long fingernails lightly down one side of his body, bringing them over to one pierced nipple. Fascinated, she examined the ring. It was screwed through a perfect hole, as if it belonged there. She teased his aureole with her fingernail, pressing lightly on the tip as it hardened under her touch before following the line of the chain to the other nipple, to which she gave the same treatment.

  She wanted to ask him why, what purpose did it serve to mutilate himself in such a way? But she did not want to break the spell of silence enclosing them. Picking up the chain which ran down his mid-line, she tweaked it gently, causing tension in both his nipples and penis. She watched his face closely for any signs of discomfort, but he remained inscrutable, watching her through sardonic eyes as she continued her exploration.

  The end of the chain was attached to a slightly larger gold hoop than those through his nipples. It pierced his foreskin, where a rosy glow showed the pink glans which peeked temptingly through to advantage. Despite the complete relaxation of the rest of his body, Maggie noted with satisfaction that he was semi-hard, the long, thick shaft growing upward towards his belly.

  Glancing at his shuttered face, she had a sudden urge to see his expression alter from indifference to need. It was no longer enough to simply have him do what she wanted to her, she wanted to bring him to the brink of madness too, break down his reserve until that impassive face was screwed up in passion as he had mimed it on the stage.

  Turning her attention back to the slumberous animal between his legs, she ran her finger delicately from its root to the tip, enjoying the rippling of the loose skin against her finger pad. Very slowly, she circled the bulb at the end and hooked her finger into the gold hoop. His penis twitched in response. She glanced up at him and smiled slyly.

  'You like that, do you?' she asked conversationally and watched his face closely as she tweaked it again.

  A faint blush had risen in his cheeks and as she increased the pressure on the ring, a spasm passed across his smoothly expressionless face. It was gone in an instant as he regained control of his features. Maggie smiled to herself. She was going to enjoy breaking that control.

  Moving into a more comfortable position, she cupped his hair roughened balls with her other hand, testing their weight and squeezing gently. The stem was growing before her very eyes, the
chain that held it central growing slack as the ringed tip rose further up his body. The hard, sculpted muscles of his thighs clenched as she bent her head and nibbled gently at the delicate area of skin which joined cock and balls.

  Gathering the moisture in her mouth, she licked a well lubricated trail along the underside of his penis to where the ring glinted, dull gold against the now angry purple of his glans. She licked around it, tasting the salty heat of him before hooking her tongue through the ring and using it to roll back the foreskin.

  The bulbous tip glistened, the small orifice in its centre pouting as it gently oozed a bead of thick, creamy fluid. Holding the foreskin back with the circled fingers of one hand, Maggie licked around it, as if it were a particularly delectable ice-cream, Häagen Dazs on a stick. She left the centre until last, pushing the tip of her tongue gently inside him as she sucked up the secretion.

  He was breathing heavily now and Maggie felt her own sex pulse with excitement at his unwilling gasp as she enclosed his shaft head with her lips. The ring felt cold, alien, coming between the hot flesh of his glans and her mouth. It rubbed along her tongue as she sank down on him, taking half his length into her mouth before withdrawing to the tip again.

  There was no question of his not being aroused now, his member was hard, unyielding to the pressure of her lips and tongue. His hips strained upwards by instinct, inviting her to take more of him inside. The silky skin rubbed back and forth, causing a ticklish friction on the sensitive skin of her lips and at the sides of her mouth.

  Maggie sensed that his iron control was gradually slipping away. He groaned as she squeezed his balls in the palm of her hand. It was at that moment that she decided to withdraw.

  Taking the chain between her teeth, she inched her way up his body so that she could see his face. He stared back at her almost sullenly, only the slightly glazed expression in his eyes betraying the fact that he had just drawn back from the edge of orgasm. His arms were still loosely bound by his hair, though his hands, she saw, had been balled into fists as he fought to control himself.

  Smiling wickedly down at him, she straddled him and began to crawl along his body, one knee either side of him. She paused as her sex drew level with his face and began to untie his bonds. His warm breath tickled the hot crevices of her inner skin and she felt the sudden rush of moisture as his tongue suddenly snaked out and lapped delicately along the petal soft folds.

  She sagged slightly and her unsheathed clitoris touched against his hawk-like nose. The effect was electrifying, sending a jolt of lust through her entire body, so powerful that she moved purely by instinct. Linking her fingers with his as they lay, upstretched, over his head, she began to move her hips, rubbing her pleasure bud along his nose as his hot tongue delved ever deeper into her honeyed depths.

  Closing her eyes against the bare, grey linoleum, she splayed herself wider, spreading her knees so that he had full access to her pulsating sheath. Suddenly, he penetrated her with his tongue. She bore down on it, grinding her clitoris against the tip of his nose. His tongue was long and stiff, a miniature cock working in and out of her.

  It began, wave after wave of hot, weakening sensation beginning deep in her womb and radiating out until it consumed her.

  'Oh God! Oh GOD!' she cried as his lips fastened on her quivering bud and he ground them against her, prolonging the climax until she collapsed, exhausted, his face still buried in her soaking sex.


  Electric Blue hardly gave Maggie time to recover her breath before he suddenly reared up, flipping her over onto her back and pushing her knees up so that they touched either side of her waist.

  He held her like that, completely open to him. She could feel the cool air on her exposed skin. Opening her eyes, she looked up into his intense face. There was nothing submissive about him now, nothing remotely compliant.

  'Playtime's over,' he told her and there was a cruel twist to his smile that made her panic and struggle against him.

  He laughed and opened her wider, dipping his head between her legs and running his tongue roughly from her perineum up to where her spent clitoris still throbbed. Bringing up his head, he licked his lips crudely, as if he had just enjoyed the finest wine.

  Maggie no longer felt threatened for she sensed the violence in him was controlled, impersonal. She watched, meekly holding her legs apart as he let go one of them and reached for his swollen shaft. Grasping it lightly with one large hand, he manouvered the foreskin back and forth until a small tear of fluid oozed from the single eye of his glans.

  Almost ceremoniously, he paused to release the chain from the ring in his foreskin. Unleashed, it seemed to grow even bigger and Maggie swallowed convulsively.

  His movements were tormentingly slow as he positioned himself at the gate of her open sex. Pushing her knees back still further so that she thought she might split apart under pressure, he watched her face intently. His long, black hair formed a thick, fragrant curtain around them, brushing erotically against her cheeks as he lowered his head to run the tip of his tongue lightly across her trembling lips.

  Their eyes locked, hers opening wide with shock as he suddenly pushed himself into her, plunging in up to the hilt with the first powerful thrust. He stayed there, letting her feel the cold metal of the ring against the neck of her womb before withdrawing and plunging in again.

  Maggie wrapped her legs around his shoulders and clung to him as he rode her. His face was taut, unsmiling as he increased his rhythm and Maggie remembered her earlier determination to break through the cool façade behind which he had hidden all along.

  Reaching down between them, she felt for the join of their two bodies, feeling the wet hardness of him as he alternately withdrew and thrust into her. Her own juices were overflowing onto the hard linoleum beneath her and she rubbed her forefinger around her bulging perineum until it dripped with honey.

  Biding her time, she waited until he was near to orgasm before reaching round him and working her oiled finger into his tight little anus. The sphincter of muscle resisted momentarily, but she persisted, stirring her finger gently round the rim until the forbidden orifice opened just enough to admit her fingertip. Once she was in, she thrust at him with her finger, matching the rhythm of his thrusting pelvis and ignoring his attempts to expel her finger with his anal muscles.

  His eyes opened wide. A look of rage chased across his face as he realised she had bested him. Then he threw back his head and roared as a flood of hot, gushing come poured from him into her convulsing sex. Squeezing his shaft tightly with her pelvic floor muscles, she milked him dry, bringing herself to orgasm by rubbing her over sensitive bud against him.

  They collapsed, exhausted, in a tangled mess of limbs and lay, sweat slicked and panting for several minutes. It was the hammering on the door that brought them to their senses.

  'Hey, why's the door locked?' an irritable male voice shouted. 'Stop messin' around, mate – you're on in five minutes.'


  His voice scraped across Maggie's raw nerves. He sounded like she felt – totally drained. He avoided her eye as he hauled himself off her and disappeared into the bathroom. Hearing the shower running she wished she could take advantage of it herself. She felt hot and sweaty, decidedly smelly with the imprint of his hot, masculine body still on hers.

  As she stood up, their combined fluids oozed out of her and ran down the insides of her thighs. She grabbed the towel he had used earlier and cleaned herself up as best she could before pulling on her clothes.

  He emerged from the shower, still naked, as she was heading for the door. Fully back in control now, he looked her up and down as she stood at the door. Unexpectedly, he grinned.

  'Still keen on a refund?'

  Maggie smiled back and shook her head. The slightly dirty feeling which had been creeping over her receded rapidly and she felt good about what she had done again. Her eyes settled on his talented penis. It lay, quiescent now, between his legs, the gold chain firmly reatt

  'You give good value,' she admitted.

  He reached into the drawer and took out a card. She ran her thumb absently along the edge, noticing it was engraved, not printed. Classy. Glancing at it, she saw it had his stage name, Electric Blue and an outer London telephone number on it.

  'You're not Australian, then,' she commented, surprised.

  'Only on Wednesday and Saturday nights. I can be whatever you want me to be. Call me sometime.'

  He turned his back on her and began to dress ready for his next act. Arrogant little bugger! He hadn't been so cool a few minutes ago! Maggie smiled to herself. She knew she wouldn't call him, but she put his card in her bag all the same. She didn't bother to say goodbye as she left.

  Janine found her in the lounge bar half an hour later.

  'Hey! Where did you get to? Did you miss the second set from that guy in blue leather?'

  She rolled her eyes heavenward to let her know what she thought of it and climbed onto the barstool next to Maggie. Maggie took a swig of her martini and regarded Janine through the mellow, alcohol induced haze which had enveloped her.

  'I've seen all I want to see of him,' she pronounced definitely. 'He's just cost me the whole of last month's bonus.'

  Janine's fine eyebrows arched upwards.

  'Really? And was he worth it?'

  An image of him lying, bound by his own hair as she explored his erotic, pierced body made Maggie smile.

  'I thought so at the time,' she admitted ruefully.

  Janine regarded her quizzically for a few moments, frowning slightly as Maggie knocked back her drink.

  'Come on – we've both got work tomorrow. I'll drive you home.'

  'My car's here—'

  'You're in no fit state to drive. I'll pick you up in the morning and bring you over here at lunchtime, after the meeting with the Jefferson Corporation. You've remembered that, have you?'

  'Of course,' Maggie lied, frowning at the mention of their most important client. How could she have forgotten such a crucial meeting?