Black Orchid Read online

Page 3

  As if feeling her bemused eyes on him, Antony turned and looked at her, his expression enigmatic. As the lift came to a smooth halt, he ran his eyes very slowly down the length of her body and back up again in a frank, unsmiling appraisal which made Maggie's breath catch in her chest.

  His eyes narrowed slightly as he noted the sudden colour which flooded her cheeks, yet his tone, when he spoke, was quite conversational.

  'You've already seen the changing rooms and the gym,' he said as they stepped out of the lift.

  Maggie nodded as he opened the double doors of the mirrored gym and she glanced around. Alexander was helping a client master the bench press. He looked up as the doors opened and smiled at her briefly before turning his attention back to the woman on the bench. She was younger than Maggie, but hard-faced, her efforts on the bench press perfunctory as she leaned into Alexander's solid body beside her. Would she be treated to a massage afterwards? Maggie wondered. She turned back towards Antony and saw that he was smiling knowingly at her.

  It was at that moment that she knew for sure that she had not made a mistake. A peculiar tension gripped her stomach as, without warning, Antony suddenly reached out and ran the pad of his thumb across her slightly parted lips. The contact was brief, yet it sent an erotic charge racing through Maggie's body. She bit down on her lower lip where he had touched it as he turned away and they left the gym.

  'What made you start this place?' she asked him in a bid to recover her equilibrium.

  'I saw the need. An old girlfriend of mine complained that men never had to play games when they wanted sex – there was always somewhere they could go to be satisfied with no strings attached. But women are naturally more cautious than men.'

  'We have to be,' she replied sharply.

  'Of course. That's why I had the idea of providing a controlled environment with carefully selected staff – and equally carefully selected clients. This way.'

  He opened the double doors at the end of the corridor which had so intrigued Maggie on her previous visit. She looked around her eagerly and saw that they had entered a large lounge area with a semi-circular bar at the end and a small raised stage in the centre. It was dimly lit, but not excessively so and the decor and soft furnishings were nothing short of opulent. Large, comfortable sofas were covered in the same fabric which curtained the floor to ceiling windows along one wall. The curtain fabric itself was generously gathered and fell in extravagant, expensive folds to pool on the floor with contrived carelessness.

  On the sofas and around the numerous tables some two dozen women sat, alone or in small groups, drinking, playing cards, chatting, generally relaxing. From their dress and attitude, it appeared that most had come straight from the office and were unwinding after a hard day. One or two were talking with one or other of the young men who were in attendance, waiting, presumably, until they were required.

  The atmosphere was relaxed and friendly. The predominance of women put Maggie in mind of one of the better aspects of the few remaining gentleman's clubs. As in those, everyone here gave the impression that they felt as if they belonged and could use the club as a home from home.

  Antony was greeted by all the women there and he kissed each one on the cheek, in turn, like a benevolent night-club owner, passing a few words here and there. Maggie found herself returning smiles, refusing the offer of a drink from one woman when Antony urged her on.

  'Is there anyone in the Exhibition Hall, Liz,' he asked the woman.

  'I think Tina booked it – she disappeared in that direction with Judd.'

  Maggie raised her eyebrows at Antony and he took her by the hand.

  'There's a lot more to see yet,' he murmured close to her ear, 'but I think you'll find this entertaining. I know I will.'

  Intrigued, Maggie followed him into the next corridor. There were several doors leading off it, some of which had 'Engaged' signs hanging from the handles. Antony opened the first vacant door and closed it behind them.

  Maggie looked around her with interest. The room was small, no more than a cubicle, really, with just enough room for a large, cushion-strewn couch against the opposite wall to the door and two easy chairs with a coffee table between them. On the coffee table was a silver champagne cooler with a bottle and two glasses at the ready.

  The chairs were facing the far wall which consisted entirely of glass, through which could be seen a larger room, surrounded by mirrors.

  'Each mirror represents a cubicle such as this,' Antony told her as they sat down.

  'Two-way mirrors?'

  He nodded. Opening the champagne bottle with a discreet 'pop', he handed her a full glass.


  The room before them was empty apart from a huge unmade bed. The unsheeted mattress was covered in a grubby, striped ticking and there were several mismatched pillows piled up against the peeling bedhead. A single light hung from the ceiling, the red bulb casting a ruddy glow over the scene so that it looked almost surreal, like a stage set of a seedy hotel room.

  The corners of the room were in shadow. As Maggie watched, a door at the far side opened and a man and a woman entered.

  The man was big, at least six feet five, and solidly built. His dark hair was cut aggressively round his ears and shaved at the nape. Dark stubble patterned the lower half of his face and crept over his jawline to his neck. Maggie could see the muscles of his thighs bunching under his oil-smeared jeans as he strode into the room and took off his leather jacket which he flung on the bed. Underneath he was wearing a heavy denim shirt, the top button undone so that a few coarse, dark hairs showed between his collar-bones.

  'Get in here!'

  Maggie gasped as he snarled at the small, well-dressed woman who she now realised was hesitating in the doorway. She turned to Antony in some alarm and he smiled at her.

  'It's all right. This is Tina's fantasy. Judd knows exactly what to do.'

  Maggie watched as Tina walked slowly into the room, swaying slightly in her neat, high-heeled court shoes. She was dressed in a well-cut grey wool suit, a dark pink blouse buttoned demurely to her throat and fastened with a silver brooch.

  As she reached the bed, she quietly put down her handbag and stood just outside the circle of light surrounding the bed, waiting. She gave a good impression of fear as Judd threw himself on the bed and leaned back on the pillows, folding his hands behind his head and crossing one booted foot over the other. The metal toe caps glinted menacingly in the reddish light, incongruous against the bare mattress.

  For a few seconds there was complete silence as Judd made Tina wait. The tension between the two participants was palpable, even through the two-way mirror, and Maggie felt her throat tighten. She gulped at her champagne as Judd flicked his wrist at Tina and, moving forward slightly so that she was in the light, she began to undress.

  He watched through hooded eyes as she slowly unclipped the brooch at her throat and put it carefully in her pocket before removing her jacket and her blouse, allowing them to fall in a disregarded heap at her feet. Her movements were graceful, seductive even, as she slowly slipped the button at the side of her waistband out of the buttonhole and opened the zip.

  Maggie watched, mesmerised, as the other woman eased the skirt down over her narrow hips. She was wearing a full-length white slip underneath and she stood quietly, submissively, before the cynical gaze of the man on the bed, as if waiting for his command.

  Maggie judged her to be in her early forties, though her body was still taut and firm, well cared for. She was small boned and delicate, her short, stylishly cut brown hair leaving her neck exposed. Her skin was lent a pale pink, pearlised sheen by the glow of the red light bulb so that it looked fragile, almost translucent.

  'Pretty, isn't she?' Antony breathed in her ear.

  Maggie nodded, transfixed. She felt uncomfortably voyeuristic, watching the tableau below, yet she could not tear her eyes away. She gasped as Judd suddenly swore, graphically, making the woman flinch.

at are you waiting for?'

  He jabbed a cigarette between his teeth and struck a match. The flickering flame seemed to mesmerise Tina so that she jumped when he shook the match and extinguished it.

  'Get it off,' he snarled, blowing a thick stream of smoke at her.

  Very slowly, Tina pushed the straps off each shoulder in turn and let the slip fall in a silky pool around her feet. Maggie sucked in her breath. Underneath the smart, ordinary clothes, Tina was wearing a garish red, push-up bra which gathered up her small breasts and thrust them forward. Her ripe, red-tipped nipples peeped obscenely over the top as if she was offering them to the man on the bed.

  A cheap black lace suspender belt encircled her slim waist and held up her sheer black stockings. She was still wearing her high-heeled black court shoes and Maggie's eyes were drawn to the slender length of her legs from her ankles up to her stocking tops and beyond to where the gently rounded globes of her buttocks were displayed in shiny red satin panties, edged with scratchy black lace.

  'Whore!' Judd hissed and Tina hung her head.

  'Turn around.'

  Tina jumped to obey and, although Maggie knew she couldn't be seen watching through the two-way mirrors, she drew back in her seat. She could see Tina's face now and understood at once the intent expression in her eyes. Her lips parted slightly as she turned away from Maggie again and bent over from the waist. Maggie was unexpectedly shocked to see that the red panties were crotchless.

  From the position that Tina had automatically adopted, legs straight, thighs together, her breasts spilling out of their inadequate restraint, Maggie could clearly see the shadow between her buttocks and the tender, pink-lipped triangle of flesh beneath. The dark pubic hair shielded her secret places coyly, curling delicately round her outer lips.

  Judd opened a can of beer. The sharp crack followed by a gassy hiss sounded unnaturally loud. He took a swig before jumping off the bed and sauntering round her, looking her up and down with exaggerated menace.

  'Legs apart,' he shouted, his scowl deepening as Tina shook her head slightly and pressed her face into her shoulder. 'Do we have to go through this every time?' he asked with exaggerated patience.

  He sat down on the bed in front of Tina so that she could see him, though she did not move. As the silence continued, Maggie could see the barely imperceptible shaking of Tina's shoulders. Judd waited for a few minutes more before swearing under his breath and suddenly leaping to his feet.

  'Very well. Though I don't see why you don't do as you're told immediately since you know you'll do it anyway – in the end. What do you think you're here for?'

  Maggie felt her stomach knot with tension as Judd slowly, deliberately began to unbuckle his belt. It was of a thick, heavy leather, the strap flat and wide. The buckle was large and weighty looking. He took his time drawing it through the stiff loops of his jeans before cracking it loudly against his thigh.

  Tina was trembling openly now and Maggie shifted in her seat, pressing closer to Antony. She gasped as Judd coiled the buckle end of the belt around his fist and brought the other end, without warning, across the back of Tina's stocking-clad thighs. Tina whimpered, but kept her legs pressed tightly together.

  Judd waited for a few seconds before carefully aiming another blow parallel to the first. This time Tina cried out and slowly, reluctantly it seemed to Maggie, she shifted position so that her feet were shoulder width apart. Her naked labia were now exposed. The pink flesh, framed by the cheap red and black crotchless knickers, glistened moistly and Maggie felt an answering wetness gather between her own thighs.

  Judd reached forward and caressed Tina's bottom approvingly, almost lovingly.

  'On your knees,' he commanded and Tina obeyed at once, pressing her lips fervently against his boots, bottom high in the air.

  Maggie felt Antony's warm breath against her as he explained, 'Tina is in banking – about as high as you can go. All day long she has to be in control, make decisions, be strong. She comes here to let go.'

  Judd was pouring scorn and abuse on her head now, abusing her in the crudest possible terms, some of which made Maggie flinch. Yet Tina seemed to be lapping it up.

  At his command, Tina began to crawl around the room, her small breasts hanging down, swinging so that their reddened crests brushed the rough carpeted floor, her glistening sex exposed to all the watchers. The fragile fabric of her stockings had ripped and torn, the ladders running up her legs.

  In spite of herself, Maggie felt herself grow warm and she pressed her own thighs together tightly. Judd was following Tina around the room, beer can in hand, cigarette between his teeth, laughing at her, calling her names.

  'If the men under you at work could see you now! The big Boss Lady! You love it, don't you?' he laughed harshly and cracked the belt across her swaying bottom.

  Suddenly he reached down and tore the panties off her, throwing them to one side with a display of disgust. With her naked white bottom exposed, Tina looked even more vulnerable. Maggie watched, her fascination overcoming her initial horror as Judd hit Tina several times across the buttocks with the leather belt and the tender skin became striped with pink.

  Tina was panting now, crawling frantically around the room as if trying to escape from the sting of the belt. In vain she changed direction, darting this way and that, writhing as he caught her with it. Judd derided her efforts, bringing the belt down between her legs so that the tender skin of her perineum was stung by the merciless tip, the flat leather tormenting the tight, exposed anal opening.

  The crack of the belt echoed around the room, each one sending a shiver through Maggie as she imagined herself in Tina's place. Finally, Judd stopped and, gripping Tina by the elbows, he hauled her up onto her knees. Tina whimpered audibly as he thrust his face close to hers and snarled, 'What do you want, whore?'

  In response, Tina merely tossed her head from side to side and Judd shook her, hard.

  'What do you want? Tell me!'

  Maggie held her breath as in a small, breathy voice, Tina replied, 'I want you to fuck me.'

  Maggie's hand flew to her mouth as Judd shook her again.

  'Say please,' he sneered.

  'Please,' she whimpered, 'Oh please!'

  Judd hauled her to her feet and carried her over to the bed with one arm as if she were weightless. Stubbing his cigarette out on top of the beer can before throwing it aside, he sat down heavily on the bed and flung Tina across his knee. She lay there face down, limp and helpless as a rag doll with her head and legs dangling either side of his lap.

  She cried out as he began to spank her, his large, calloused hand paddling her already tender behind, mercilessly. Her face was pressed into the grimy mattress and Maggie could imagine the stale, sweaty smell of it, mixing with the pungent odour of Judd's oily jeans. Under the red stripes caused by the belt, Tina's white skin grew pink from the slaps as the spanking went on and on.

  Her voice muffled by the mattress, Tina begged him to stop, but Judd merely laughed, bringing his hand down harder and faster in response. Maggie felt her own bottom tingling in sympathy and she wriggled in her seat.

  She welcomed the touch of Antony's cool hand as he massaged the back of her neck, held rigid with tension. She swallowed as she felt his hot, wet tongue begin to explore the outer whorls of her ear. She wanted to turn and seek his mouth with her own, but the scene which continued before her eyes held her transfixed.

  Surely Tina could not bear much more? Just as Maggie thought he had gone too far, Judd suddenly tipped her off his lap, letting her fall in an undignified heap. He nudged her with his toe so that she rolled onto her back and stared up at him as he stood, towering menacingly over her. The look in Tina's eyes was one of adoration mixed with fear.

  Maggie's eyes skidded from Tina's face to Judd. She could not take her eyes off the movement of his fingers as he unzipped his jeans and released his swelling penis.

  'My God!' Maggie whispered. 'Will you look at that!'

  Like the
rest of him it was larger than life, soaring up proudly from his parted zip. Maggie could see the purple veins standing out in the smooth white skin. A bead of moisture glistened at the tip and she unconsciously ran her tongue across her lips. Antony followed the movement with one finger and she drew the tip of his finger into her mouth without thinking and circled it with her tongue. She felt suffused with liquid heat, her senses caught up in the drama being enacted before her.

  Meanwhile, Judd had taken a condom out of his back pocket and was slowly unrolling it over his rock-hard cock. Without bothering to remove his clothes, he scooped Tina up off the floor and threw her carelessly face down on the bed. Pushing several pillows under her hips so that her glowing bottom was high in the air, he held her cheeks apart and entered her from behind.

  Maggie could see Tina's face, eyes glazed with what looked like a mixture of pain and ecstasy as he thrust in and out of her and she twisted in her seat to find Antony was watching her, his eyes hot.

  Without a word, Maggie rose and, standing in front of him, pulled her shift over her head.


  Antony smiled slowly as she stood before him in her grape silk basque. Without taking his eyes from her, he pulled the couch closer to the mirror so that Maggie could still see Judd and Tina when he beckoned her forward.

  Maggie held her breath as Antony sank onto one knee in front of her and carefully unclipped each of her suspenders. With tantalising slowness, he rolled down one stocking, pressing small, dry kisses all the way down the inside of her leg to her ankle. He kissed each of her toes in turn as he peeled away the delicate nylon, tickling the sensitive spaces between them with his tongue. He took his time before repeating the procedure with her other leg.

  Standing absolutely still, she watched him as he rolled down her damp panties, bringing them briefly to his lips before discarding them. His face was on a level with the moist curls between her thighs and Maggie felt her legs turn to water as he gently rubbed his nose against her quivering mound, breathing in the scent of her.