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Page 23

  'Absolutely exquisite.'

  She jumped as Antony's voice came from the doorway. She hadn't heard him come into the bedroom and she faced him now, her eyes widening in a mute plea.

  'Hey! Come here.'

  He hugged her to him, murmuring endearments against her hair. Then he gently turned her round to face the mirror again. Like her, he was dressed in leather. His black trousers clung lovingly to his long, tightly muscled thighs and emphasised the fullness at his crotch. The white silk shirt skimmed the breadth of his shoulders and glowed against his tanned skin.

  Reaching round from behind her, he gathered up her breasts in their inadequate restraint and presented them to her mirror image. As she watched, her nipples swelled and he stroked his thumbs against the hard little buttons, making her shiver.

  Stroking one hand down, over her softly quivering belly, he caressed her hair-free mound. Maggie leaned against him as he ran his fingers into the groove between her labia, teasing out her inner lips so that they protruded slightly between her legs. With his other hand, he caressed the crease of her bottom, twisting the collar of the dildo so that it moved inside her, sending pleasurable waves through to her erotic core.

  Their eyes met in the mirror and he smiled at her. Maggie returned the smile, tentatively, pressing her cheek against his. Antony stroked her long, dark hair away from her neck.

  'I think . . . yes, that's better.'

  He twisted her hair into a loose chignon and secured it at her nape with the grips she kept on a jar on the dresser. Her long, soft-skinned neck looked fragile against the heavy mass of her hair, drawing the eye down to her out-thrust breasts.

  'Where . . . where will you be?' she whispered.

  'On the dais, with you,' he replied, surprised.

  'I know. I mean . . . which . . . you know?'

  He smiled as he saw that a hot blush had risen on her cheeks, staining them pink.

  'Which delectable orifice is mine for tonight?' he laughed gently as she blushed even harder. 'I think . . . yes. I think I shall have this.'

  He slowly hooked two fingers into her warm, moist vagina and pressed her against him. When he withdrew, she turned in his arms and met his lips with hers. She clung to him as they kissed, loving him, until at last he put her away from him, gently.

  'It's time,' he whispered.

  In the auditorium the crowd had been worked into a frenzy by the live sex-shows which had started an hour before. Couples copulated wildly in dark corners as the stage was cleared and the fur-covered dais was raised.

  Maggie watched impassively from the back, unnoticed in the dimly lit room. Her arms and legs felt icy cold, yet inside she was in a ferment of emotion. Her eyes flickered nervously at the two giant projection screens which had been placed either side of the stage. Her every move, every expression would be monitored, nothing would escape the attention of the crowd. Appearing in the Exhibition Hall was bad enough, but to perform here, within touching distance of all these people . . .

  She shivered and Antony's arm came around her shoulder. She was glad he was with her, would be one of the men who would take her so publicly. The atmosphere was heavy, clogged with the combined scents of sex and perfume. Maggie felt dizzy as a sudden hush descended and the stage was lit. Weird, tuneless music drifted into the auditorium, New Age mood sounds curling round everyone's senses.

  As she began to walk, slowly, towards the stage, Antony beside her, Maggie could smell incense, she felt the hot gaze of dozens of unseen eyes, devouring her. Looking up, she could see Alexander, sitting on the fur-covered dais, waiting for her. His blond hair shone under the spotlight, a nebula of light giving him a halo.

  Suddenly, she was no longer afraid. Everyone else faded away, there was just her, and Alexander, and she knew she would do everything he asked of her, so strong was her need of him. He smiled as she reached the stage and offered her his hand. She climbed up and Antony walked past her, to the back of the dais where, she saw now, Bruno waited, his face in shadow.

  She stood before Alexander and waited, patiently, for his instructions. He nodded approvingly at her and rewarded her with a long, lingering kiss. With her back to the audience, he placed his hand at the small of her back and applied enough pressure for her to guess that he wanted her to bend forward, at the waist.

  The audience gasped as they saw the dildo implanted in her. Alexander stroked the soft, downy skin at the small of her back, coaxing her legs wider apart with one hand so that her shorn vulva was exposed.

  Maggie felt her cheeks burn with shame as the loud exclamations of delight and admiration reached her ears and she twisted her face into her shoulder. Alexander's hand came round her cheek and lifted her face so that it could be seen by the cameras. Out of the corner of her eye, Maggie could see the projection screens. One showed her from the front, the dangling breasts spilling out of their inadequate restraint, the tremulous mouth and wide, shamed eyes. The other showed her out-thrust buttocks and the dildo lodged obscenely between them.

  Thus she was able to watch as Alexander reached down and grapsed the collar of the dildo and slowly withdrew it. Her body expelled it almost regretfully and Maggie closed her eyes against the image of her wanton arsehole which relaxed forlornly in loving close up.

  'Lean across the bed.'

  She jumped at Alexander's curt request, teetering uncertainly on her high-heels as she hurried to obey him. Her breath caught painfully in her chest as Bruno passed a long, thin whip to Alex. She began to tremble as Antony pushed cushions beneath her stomach, raising her bottom higher.

  'Ssh,' he whispered in her ear, 'it's too soon to cry.'

  The first lash of the leather whip against her tender skin took her breath away. The sting seemed to spread, like liquid fire across the surface of her skin, snaking down her legs, making them shake uncontrollably. Alexander seemed to bide his time, waiting until she had felt the full impact of the lash before raising it again.

  This time she moaned, to the delight of the audience who seemed to utter a collective sigh. Then there was silence save for the whistle of the lash and the sharp 'crack' as it landed on Maggie's skin. She began to cry, softly at first, huge tears rolling off her cheeks onto the fur so that soon it was sodden.

  He never hit the same place twice so that within a few minutes her entire bottom seemed to have caught fire.

  'Please!' she cried out. 'No more . . . I can't . . . Oh!'

  The lash cut across her protest, leaving her gasping for breath. But that, miraculously, was the last blow. She could not control her sobs as Alexander hauled her onto her knees on the platform. He watched her cry for a few minutes, his expression unreadable. Maggie tried to plead with him through her tears, but she was incoherent.

  'What, Maggie? What is it you want?'

  'I want . . . I . . . please! Don't hurt me any more!'

  He smiled then, almost kindly at her. Then he bent forward so that his lips were against her ear and said, so that only she could hear, 'There is no feeling at all without pain. Loving hurts, Maggie. And now I'm going to love you – just as you have always wanted me to.'

  He wiped her face with his fingers, licking the tears from her cheeks. Maggie closed her eyes as he covered her face in kisses, ran his hands over her breasts and parted her shaking thighs. She knew before he touched her that she was wet. How could she not be aroused by the whip when it was Alexander who wielded it?

  She was compliant as he lay her, face down on the dais. The strange music ebbed and flowed, weaving its spell on her senses. She could feel the presence of the crowd, knew the heat around her came from the crush of their bodies as much as from the lights, yet they had become irrelevant to her.

  It was Antony now who moved forward and began to kiss her, languidly at first, then with more passion as desire caught fire between them. Oblivious to everything else, they rolled together on the bed, his hands roaming over her tender flesh. At some time while she was being whipped, he had undressed. He was erect, his penis p
ressing into her stomach as he lay on his back and manoeuvred her so that she was astride him.

  Maggie longed to impale herself on him, but he held her off, as if awaiting a signal. She felt fingers at her chin and looked up to find Bruno waiting patiently for her attention, his erect cock inches away from her face. The foreskin was pulled back, the purplish glans already shining. Sitting astride Antony, Maggie eagerly reached for Bruno's stem and caressed it, her other hand cupping his heavy, hairy balls.

  She shuddered as Alexander came up behind her and began to rub a cooling fluid into her burning buttocks, working it into the exposed crease. Then came the thicker, heavier cream designed to facilitate his entry into her body.

  The three men seemed to move as if in one accord once Alexander had greased her bottom. Maggie felt as if she were somewhere above them, looking down, as if it were someone else that this was about to happen to. And yet every square inch of her sensitised skin was tingling with awareness, her female moisture welling in joyous anticipation.

  Antony supported her by putting two hands at her waist as she leaned forward and opened her mouth ready for Bruno. Alexander's hands held her hips steady as his slender shaft probed the entrance to her nether mouth. It was Antony who entered her first, his swollen tool sliding into her hot, wet vagina as if coming home. Maggie groaned softly and closed her lips against the bulbous head of Bruno's penis.

  It was then that Alexander inched his way into her bottom, his cock sliding against Antony's through the thin membrane separating the two passages. Maggie felt Antony's ecstatic shudder as he lay underneath her and realised he was close to the edge of his climax. She was barely aware of the gasp of the crowd. She felt as if she would burst as all three men were still, content to feel themselves inside her. Then, as one, they all began to move.

  The strange 'whale-song' music soared in her ears as she found herself penetrated in every available orifice. Her jaw ached as Bruno used her mouth, his hands either side of her head. Antony seemed to be lifting her hips up and down on his rigid shaft, while Alexander matched his rhythm in her back passage. Every muscle screamed with awareness, her nerve endings raw.

  Antony came first, with a growl, his hot sperm shooting into her vagina, quickly followed by Bruno's swift climax into her mouth. She gulped as it hit the back of her throat, just as Alexander pumped his seed into her behind.

  Maggie writhed, her own orgasm pulsing through her with an intensity which took her by surprise. And after each man had withdrawn, she rolled shamelessly onto her back and, throwing her legs open wide, she rubbed herself furiously, oblivious to the fluids which streamed from her, mixing with her own secretions.

  Over and over the waves came, unstoppable, making her thrash her head from side to side like a woman possessed. From far away she heard the applause, felt Alexander's lips against her sex, Antony's at her mouth, then – nothing.

  She was warm, wrapped in an all-enveloping cotton nightie in the middle of the bed. Maggie opened her eyes and frowned, trying to remember.

  'She's coming round,' Antony whispered, and suddenly it all came flooding back.

  'Wh-what happened?' she croaked as Alexander's arms came around her and Antony smoothed the hair tenderly off her forehead.

  'Shh, it's all right. You blacked out for a few seconds and you've been drowsy ever since. Don't you remember coming to in the Jacuzzi with us?'

  Vague recollections of warm, soothing water, strong hands soaping her, drying her, carrying her to the lift. Yes, she remembered. She turned her anxious eyes on Alexander and was relieved to see he was smiling at her.

  'I'll go and make a warm drink for us all,' Antony announced.

  Alexander pulled her further into the warm, safe circle of his arms.

  'Darling Maggie – you were magnificent!'

  Maggie's heart swelled with pride that he was pleased with her.

  They all sat up in bed, drinking milky coffee. Every now and then, Alexander would stroke Maggie's cheek, or reach behind her to touch Antony. Maggie had never felt so happy, so loved, in her life.

  'You know, Antony,' Alexander broke the companiable silence, 'I think that Maggie here might be just the person we need to run the new venture.'

  'Hmm, you could be right.'

  'What new venture?' Maggie asked.

  'Antony is thinking of buying up a hotel – somewhere where women can go to stay for an entire weekend, out of town. Maybe we could extend it to include couples. What do you think?'

  Maggie's imagination was caught, but she still regarded Alexander with dismay.

  'But I don't want to live out of town – I want to stay here, with you and Antony! I want to be part of . . . of this!' she concluded inadequately.

  'And you will be.' Alexander smoothed. 'If we can find somewhere close enough, so that the three of us could easily travel between the two.'

  'Think of it, Maggie,' Antony continued in the same seductive tone, 'the three of us – equal partners.'

  Maggie caught his eye at this last suggestion and he smiled, inviting her to share the unspoken joke that they would ever be a match for Alexander. Alex chuckled softly, indulging them.

  'What do you think, Maggie?' Antony pressed.

  In her mind's eye, Maggie saw the Black Orchid Club duplicated, only bigger, better, with more scope for experimentation. What more did she have to lose?

  'All right,' she agreed.

  'This calls for better than coffee – I'll go and break open a bottle of champagne.'

  Alexander disappeared, returning with the three overflowing glasses on a tray. He lounged on top of the duvet, unashamedly naked, his body across their legs as he raised his glass.

  'To the Black Orchid Hotel,' Antony proposed.

  They all sipped the golden liquid and Maggie entwined her free hand with Antony's under the covers. Alexander smiled at her and raised his glass again.

  'To the three of us,' he said, his voice thick with some unnamed emotion.

  Antony glanced at Maggie and they both looked at Alex and nodded.

  'To us three,' they chorused obediently.

  Alexander unexpectedly threw back his golden head and laughed.

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