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Black Orchid Page 21

  'Alex – Alexander please! Untie me. Don't leave me like this . . .'

  She trailed off as he flashed her an irritated glance.

  'Shut her up, Antony.'

  He turned to Camilla and took her in his arms, kissing her passionately. Antony stood up and walked over to her, dressed only in his underpants. Without a word, he picked up the silk scarf which had been tied round her eyes in the beginning. Maggie shrank away, afraid that he was about to blindfold her again. She gasped as she saw that his intention was far worse.

  Tears sprang to her eyes as her lips were pushed back against her teeth and she tasted the silk, still salty from old tears. Antony smiled coldly at her, and she knew that, despite all his reasonable words, he was jealous of her. She stared after him as he went to join the couple on the bed.

  Surely they weren't going to make her watch them make love to this woman? Touch her, kiss her, taste her as they had her so many times? It was horrible, more demeaning than any spanking or physical punishment could have been. To not even be able to touch herself as she watched . . .

  It was then the realisation dawned on her. Of course, Alexander meant to punish her for taking her pleasure without his permission. This was his way of teaching her self-restraint – by forcibly keeping her chaste!

  Maggie bit down on the gag. Already her sex-lips were swelling, yearning for a human touch. She tried to avert her eyes from the three naked bodies which writhed on the bed in front of her, but everywhere she looked there were mirrors, reflecting them back many times over.

  'Open your eyes, Maggie!'

  They snapped open at Alexander's command and she trembled before his furious gaze.

  'Watch, and learn. You're to be the star turn at the next party night, Maggie, so you'd better pay attention now.'

  A coldness crept into her limbs as his scowl turned into a mocking smile. Party night was two days away. Alexander was plotting something and she was quite sure she wasn't going to like it. For now though, she didn't dare to disobey him. Leaning her back against the cold surface of the mirror, she settled back to watch.

  'Turn over, Camilla, onto your back. Show Maggie how gorgeous you are.'

  The woman had soft, white blonde hair which kissed the tops of her shoulders. The pansy blue eyes which stared impassively back at Maggie were slightly glassy, as if she were drunk, or drugged. As Alexander smoothed his hand across her flat belly, she preened, thrusting out her full, rosy-tipped breasts, and pouting her lower lip. Her skin was very pale, covered in a light smattering of freckles.

  'See how compliant she is?' Alexander said lovingly.

  He delivered a sudden, light smack to the undersides of Camilla's breasts. Maggie could not take her eyes off them as they quivered in response. The woman did not utter a sound, though her wide, reddened lips parted slightly on a gasp. She lay back on the pillows, absolutely still as Alexander ran his hands down her body and closed over the light blonde fleece between her thighs.

  Obligingly, she drew up her knees as he parted them and Maggie's eyes were rivetted on the shockingly exposed pink skin of her sex.

  'You see – juicy already!'

  Alexander dipped in his finger and brought it to his lips. Maggie's thighs began to tremble as he began to work his finger along the tender creases. Camilla's soft moan reverberated off the walls and roared in Maggie's ears. Alex smiled at her wickedly as he circled the tiny pleasure bud with the tip of his finger. Maggie watched, mesmerised, as the moisture welled in the lips of Camilla's open sex in response.

  An answering wetness gathered between her own thighs and she sought to squeeze them together. She was prevented by the mesh box which held her slightly apart. Maggie's vulva began to throb needily as Camilla's breathing grew faster and she raised her hips up off the bed, subsiding with a groan as Alexander denied her the final release.

  He signalled to Antony who pushed a cushion under the woman's hips. Now her tight little anus was also exposed. Alexander smeared some of the moisture from her vulva down the crease and round the puckered entrance. It opened under the pressure of his fingertip and he began to work his way in.

  'You like this, don't you, Maggie? You have a very responsive little arse – perfect for taking a man. Oh yes,' he smiled in response to her small, muffled mewl of protest, 'it's time you experienced that singular pleasure. And you will. On party night.'

  He turned his attention back to Camilla and began to kiss her passionately. Antony manoeuvred her onto her side and entered her from behind. If she had been able to speak, Maggie would have cried out. Alexander's words had chilled her to the bone. Nothing he could have said could have filled her with more dread. She had hated being displayed in the Exhibition Hall, she knew she could not bear to perform such intimate acts on a stage, in front of a live audience.

  She felt Alexander's eyes on her and she stared defiantly back at him. Too late, she realised from the sudden light in his eyes that her resistance excited him. She shrank back against the mirror as he stood and advanced towards her.

  He was very aroused, his long, slender cock jutting out from his body. Reaching behind her, he unclipped her hands and brought them round to her lap. She closed her eyes as she breathed in the scent of him, citrus and musk.

  Loud groans came from the bed and they both glanced at Antony and Camilla. She was up on her hands and knees now, doggie fashion, and Antony was pumping his hips frantically, his face twisted into a rictus of delight. Alexander turned back to Maggie, obscuring her view. Without a word, he took her hand and placed it on his cock.

  Maggie's hand closed reluctantly around him and began to move up and down along the shaft. He felt very hot, as if his release was close. His lips passed across her bound mouth in the lightest of kisses. That kiss was her undoing. Suddenly, she wanted to pleasure him, wanted to make him forget the woman on the bed.

  Staring into his eyes, she ran the pad of her thumb around the soft collar of his glans, lightly tracing the outline of the damp groove with the tip of her thumbnail. Judging her moment, she moved the mobile skin across his shaft up and down several times.

  A bolt of triumph made her flush as the first, violent spurt of semen burst from him, followed by another and another. The warm, sticky fluid hit her bare stomach and trickled downwards to where her naked, hairless sex was confined by leather and mesh.

  When, at last, he was finished, he sighed and drew away from her. Maggie had been so caught up in his pleasure, she hadn't noticed Antony and Camilla leave. Alexander went over to the bed and smoothed the sheets. Maggie watched, wide-eyed, hardly daring to hope as he returned to her.

  First, he unhooked the chain and lifted her down, leading her over to the bed by hooking his finger inside the belt of her leather harness. Then he removed the wrist cuffs, the neck restraint and the breast straps. Her breasts sprang free and swayed under the force of their own weight. The mesh box was next and, finally, the silk scarf which gagged her.

  When at last she stood naked in front of him, Alexander ran his eyes appreciatively across the body, from her neck to her toes and back up again, where they lingered on her shaven mound.

  'Part your legs,' he ordered.

  Maggie automatically did as she was asked. Her swollen flesh leaves felt heavy between her legs and she knew she was wet.

  'Bend slightly at the knees – that's right. Thrust your hips forward – Lovely! Your inner lips hang down below the outer ones. I think we'll keep you shaved, Maggie, it's a shame to conceal such a delightful asset.'

  Maggie shivered, silently begging him to touch her. He smiled and she was sure he had read her thoughts. Suddenly, he reached out and pinched her protruding sex-lips, pulling her towards him. Her arms went about his neck and she clung to him as he worked his fingers across the slippery folds.

  It didn't take long. Abstinence and denial had made her desperate and within minutes the familiar, weak heat was flooding through her. As the first waves of orgasm broke, Alexander cupped the palm of his hand softly aga
inst her pulsing sex so that she quivered against his hand as she sagged limply against him.

  She barely noticed when he lifted her up and lay her down next to him in the large, soft bed. He cradled her in his arms and murmured endearments against her hair. When she had calmed, he lifted her chin and stared intensely into her eyes.

  'Are you ready to give yourself over to me now, Maggie?' he asked softly.

  Maggie's heart leaped as she imagined him taking her, possessing her now.

  'Oh yes!' she whispered fervently.

  'Body and soul?'

  'Body and soul.'

  He smiled and tucked her head under his chin.

  'Good,' he said, simply. 'Then tomorrow night Antony and I will take you out to test your resolution.'

  It was a few minutes before Maggie realised that she had been given all she was to be allowed to enjoy for tonight. Contenting herself with that, she snuggled against Alexander's warm strong body and drifted into sleep.

  Maggie looked about her nervously as they found a table. When Alexander had told her they were going out to dinner, she had expected a romantic restaurant, perhaps with candles on the table. Not a greasy spoon on the edge of the bypass.

  The deathly lull in conversation which had heralded her arrival between Antony and Alexander was only just beginning to ease. The coffee bar was manned by a middle-aged, greasy man in a grubby, blue and white striped apron which strained across his pot belly. He stared across at her, slack lipped and Maggie turned away.

  An old man propped up the bar, his baggy, stained trousers held up precariously by a pair of stringy braces. His rheumy eyes followed Maggie as she reluctantly slipped into the seat beside Alexander, diagonally opposite Antony. A lone trucker sat to their left, so intent on demolishing his groaning plate of pie and chips he never once raised his eyes from his plate.

  On the far side of the room, a rowdy group of bikers sprawled about the place. One, slightly more presentable than the rest, was watching Maggie's dress ride up her legs as she slid awkwardly into the moulded plastic seat which was bolted securely to the ground, too close to the Formica-topped table. She pulled ineffectually at the hem of the red lycra tube, keeping her eyes downcast.

  Why had Alexander selected this particular dress for her tonight? Though it had long sleeves and finished high at her throat, it clung to every curve, leaving nothing to the imagination. The tight skirt ended mid-thigh, leaving the smooth silken sweep of her stockinged legs exposed

  In a dim, smoky nightclub she could have got away with it, but here, under the harsh electric lights in the early evening when the daylight still lingered, she looked and felt like a tart.

  She felt Alexander's cool fingers at the nape of her neck, under the candyfloss curls Anthony had teased into her dark hair.

  'All right, Maggie?' he murmured, close to her ear.

  'No!' she whispered furiously, keeping her head down to hide her face from the men opposite who were now openly ogling her. 'I'm going to sit next to Antony.'

  'No.' Alexander stopped her by closing his hand over her wrist. 'I don't want you to turn your back on your admirers, Maggie. It would be unforgivably rude.'

  Maggie was prevented from replying by the arrival of a waitress. The incongruity of finding a waitress in a transport café was enough to make Maggie's head snap up. The girl was very young and slender with long, stringy blonde hair, but her eyes were old. She looked bored as she flipped over her pad and held her stubby pencil poised.

  'We'll all have egg and chips,' Alexander told her without consulting Antony or Maggie. 'And baked beans, fried bread and sausage.'

  He turned on his most devastating smile and the girl blushed. Maggie studied her covertly. She didn't have a bad figure under the unappealing pink gingham nylon overall, but she couldn't imagine her exciting Alexander's jaded palate. Nevertheless, he made the effort to compliment the girl with his eyes, no doubt making her day.

  'Would you like tea?' she simpered.

  'Lovely,' he replied, not turning his attention back to Maggie until she had disappeared, with an exaggerated roll of her hips, behind the counter.

  'Don't fidget, Maggie.'

  She shot him a resentful look and he laid one hand on her knee, squeezing it gently under the table. Maggie wished he would remove it, the man who had been staring at her earlier had noticed and she was embarrassed by the familiarity. She glanced across at Antony. He was staring out of the window at the traffic, his mind obviously elsewhere.

  When their food arrived, Maggie pushed it half-heartedly around her plate, her appetite gone. Antony and Alexander both dug in with a relish which surprised her, swilling down the greasy food with copious amounts of tea. Maggie's tea was congealing in her cup. It was dark brown in colour, little globules of fat swimming on the surface.

  'Not hungry, Maggie?' Alexander asked innocently.

  He laughed as she scowled at him and helped himself to her sausage. Maggie couldn't wait for them to finish eating so that they could all leave. There was an old-fashioned juke box in the corner of the café and someone was feeding coins into it. Before long the strident tones of Meatloaf filled the confined space with sound.

  Maggie felt someone watching her and raised her eyes cautiously. The young biker was still watching her and as their eyes met, he smiled knowingly at her. Maggie's stomach trembled. Underneath the oily jeans and the heavy leather of his jacket, he looked clean and well built.

  His brown hair was cut brutally short to reveal one ear pierced several times, glinting with gold. His hands were square and knotty, as if he used them to make his living. She jumped as she felt Alexander's voice in her ear.

  'You've guessed which one it's to be, then?'


  She turned towards him in horror, her stomach roiling in protest. He surely didn't mean what she thought he meant? She stiffened as Alexander's hand moved up her leg, smoothing her skirt even further up her thigh. Her throat felt dry as she tried, and failed to pull her eyes away from Alexander's hypnotic gaze. His blue eyes bored into her, like chips of ice, as his fingers brushed against the gusset of her white cotton panties.

  Oh God, no! She couldn't be becoming aroused, not here, with all these people looking on! Alexander smiled as if reading her mind and something inside her shrank away from him.

  'Please,' she whispered hoarsely, 'please stop!'

  He didn't reply. Instead, he swooped on her unsuspecting lips and crushed them under the weight of his kiss. Maggie could hear the catcalls and whistles from the bikers in the corner as she clung weakly to Alexander's shoulders.

  She felt dizzy, helpless, her body totally out of control. One part of her burned with shame at his casual humiliation of her, while another, darker side revelled in it. This must have been how Antony felt when he had allowed such compromising photographs to be taken of himself – completely in Alexander's thrall. Gradually, reality receded and she became oblivious to everything but Alexander's sweet breath on her face and his teasing, sure fingers stroking between her thighs.

  'Oh, my Maggie! How sweetly you become aroused! It's almost too easy to instruct you.'

  His words sounded distant as he murmured them against her lips.

  'Please,' she whispered, abandoning all pretence of pride, 'please take me home and make love to me.'

  He smiled. She felt his lips curve against hers.

  'I will, darling Maggie, I promise I will. Soon. When you've proved how much you love me.'

  She frowned, pulling away from him slightly.

  'How do I prove it?'

  'By doing exactly as you are told.'

  He cupped her face in his hands and stared into her eyes for a long moment. Then he twisted her head slightly, so that she could see the men in the corner.

  'You see the young one, with the earrings? The one you were eyeing earlier? I want you to go over to him and tell him he can have you for a tenner.'

  Maggie froze with shock and she pressed herself against Alexander's side. T
he man with the earrings seemed to have lost interest in her, he had turned so that his profile was presented to her and was smoking a long, thin cigarette while he listened to his mates' loud conversation. Maggie closed her eyes.

  She couldn't do it. Walk up to a complete stranger in a transport café and try to sell him her body . . . no! She just couldn't!

  Alexander's eyes were cold as she tried to tell him.

  'Surely you can understand.'

  'I understand you don't want to keep your position at the club. That you only pretend to love me.'

  Cold fingers of panic travelled up and down Maggie's spine. Alexander was regarding her coolly, leaving the ultimate decision to her. She glanced at Antony. He gave a small smile of such sweetness she wanted to cry. She didn't want to leave him, knew that her life would be empty, meaningless without them.

  'Well?' Alexander prompted her, glancing impatiently at his watch.

  'I . . . but where. I mean . . . I couldn't . . . in here . . .?'

  'Not in here, you silly girl. Do you want to get us all arrested? There's an alley at the side. It shouldn't take you more than ten minutes.'

  An alley. Oh God! Maggie saw that dusk was encroaching, but it was still light enough to see what was going on outside. Alexander pressed something into the palm of her hand. Glancing down, she saw that it was a condom.

  'Make sure he uses this – it's extra strength, for safety's sake.'

  Maggie felt an hysterical urge to laugh at this unexpected show of concern for her. So incongruous in the light of what he had asked, no, told her to do.

  Her legs shook as she eased her body out from behind the table and began to walk uncertainly towards the man. Her red stilettoes clicked on the stained grey linoleum and half a dozen pairs of eyes turned on her expectantly.

  Maggie kept her eyes trained on her quarry. He took his feet off the table as she approached and sat up, a suspicious gleam lighting up his brown eyes. She stopped in front of him and breathed deeply, in and out, trying to ignore the lewd remarks which flew around her. A hand brushed lightly across her bottom and it was all she could do not to flinch.